The Best Post-Run Recovery Drink?

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How not to love this place?

Weirdest thing happened when I got to the track today. Just as I was walking out of the car, it started raining — humongous drops of rain and even what I thought were a few pieces of sleet — and stopped exactly 30 seconds later. I kid you not. Was it all a figment of my imagination?

[Online poll: which is correct, figment of my imagination or pigment of my imagination? Which do you use?]

This is my last intervals workout before official training for the LA Marathon starts, so I decided to do my favorite (read: easiest) routine.

This is one of the last interval workouts in the Half Marathon: Own It plan from Train Like a Mother; the best mother-runner book to be written, ever. (I cut 10+ minutes off my time this year to run a sub-2 hour half marathon PR using this plan, so call me a lifelong believer.)

Here’s how it goes:

10-minute warmup, easy 9-10 minute/mile pace
5 minutes fast
2 minutes rest/ walk or slow jog
4 minutes fast
2 minutes rest
3 minutes fast
2 minutes rest
2 minutes fast
2 minutes rest
1 minute fast
2 minutes rest
10-minute cool down, easy 9-10 minute/mile pace

For short, a 5-4-3-2-1.

Psychologically, this is an easy workout because it starts with the hardest part and gets progressively… less hard. Next Thursday, new track adventures await!

— Important announcement! —

A friend emailed me about this Nesquik chocolate powder recall today, which caused a minor freak-out, seeing how I drink this after every run:

In case you didn’t know, chocolate milk is the perfect post-run recovery food, with just the right ratio of protein (milk) to carbs (chocolate). Also, delicious.

If you ask me, an even better recovery drink is this:

No one ever asks me, though…

Thankfully, the recalled Nesquik container sizes were all smaller than the 48.7-oz bucket (85 servings!) in our cupboard right now. Costco FTW.

If you’ve got Nesquik Chocolate Powder, make sure it hasn’t been recalled!

Today’s run:

Ran with another mother runner. Her kids – two boys, ages 6 and 8 – either played on the football field or just sat quietly, entertaining themselves with video games the entire time. Dare I hope that BabyRuns will be this good two years from now? Oh, who am I kidding.

And because I did the exact same track workout the week before, let’s get unnecessarily nit-picky and compare how I did interval by interval.

I ran the first – hardest and longest – two intervals faster, but then slowed down a bit. You win some, you lose some.

5 thoughts on “The Best Post-Run Recovery Drink?

  • November 11, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    Oh, girl, you *must* get yourself the best bar of dark chocolate that you can and eat it with peanut butter post run! There’s truly nothing better. 🙂 Super excited for you to run LA!

    • November 11, 2012 at 9:56 pm

      Really? Why, I have both ingredients at my disposal and shall try it as early as tomorrow afternoon. Though… have you had sunflower butter? OMG. So good.

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  • November 9, 2012 at 9:37 pm

    I’m not convinced about the chocolate milk theory….I’m not a fan of the sugar. But I’m a big new fan of milk, post run. Your track is gorgeous…I have track envy.

    • November 10, 2012 at 11:37 am

      Hmmmm… I don’t know. Milk just tastes too lonely by itself. Better with chocolate or coffee 😉 I try not to get too hung up on the sugar stuff – everything in moderation. Today, for some reason, I was craving salty stuff post-run, so I had pickles and smoked cheese 🙂


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