Race News. Marathon. New Shoes?

Race News. Marathon. New Shoes?
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Super-exciting news today!

First, this morning I received an email that the race formerly known as “US Half: The Other Half” — that was one awkward name, wasn’t it? — is now officially the San Francisco Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. Yet another road race to add to my calendar, yay! Instantly, I dropped $86.65 – seriously, an $80 fee to start with? Why so expensive, Rock’n’Roll events? (I actually know why, but that’s a subject for another – longer – conversation.)

And because I was on a spending streak and the LA Marathon has been tempting me for about a week now, I figured: what the heck. BAM! Another $154.57. (But pssst: prices go up November 1, so technically I saved.)

March 17, 2013: LA marathon, here I come!

You know what this means? Many things, but mainly: Read more

Savings Alert: 6 Ways to Lower the Cost of Races

Savings Alert: 6 Ways to Lower the Cost of Races
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The other day, I mailed in my registration form for the See Jane Run women’s half marathon in Alameda, CA. It was one of my favorite races this year, so yes, I registered for 2013. (Counting fingers; October, November….. May, June) Yup, that’s eight months in advance.

Not the first time I do this, either. Last year, at the Rock’n’Roll half marathon San Jose expo, I registered for this year’s race. This year, I registered for 2013.

The only reason I’m putting things on my race calendar that early is money. The savings these races offer if you register in advance are hard to ignore, and the earlier you register, the more you save.

Consider this: if you register for the See Jane Run Half Marathon before October 31, you’ll pay just $59. After that, the price slowly creeps up to $75, $85, $95 and, finally, $105 on race day.

Registration for SJRnR was $65 at the expo… $150 on race day a year later!

Can you tell how excited I was about saving money (to spend them, instead, on new running shoes)?

Well, it’s one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, now go, cat, go.
But don’t you step on my Tiffany blue NWM limited edition shoes. You can do anything but lay off of my Tiffany blue NWM limited edition shoes. Ha. Fun!

Clearly, waiting until race day to register is like flushing your cash down the drain. (Unless, of course, you are flush with cash… in which case, what are you doing right, and what am I doing wrong??) Read more

Winging It

Winging It
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A couple of years ago, I had the following conversation with a coworker:

Coworker: How’s it going?
Me: Good, good. Busy. You?
Coworker: Oh, I’m good. I ran a marathon this weekend so I’ve been sore for the past few days, but I’m doing better already.
Me: A marathon? How did I not know you were training for a marathon?
Coworker: Oh, I didn’t. A buddy called me on Saturday, asking if I wanted to do the San Francisco half marathon with him. So I said, sure. But I felt really good at the end of the half, so I just decided to keep going and do the whole thing. Read more